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"Greetings! I received my painting
a few weeks ago and just want to let
you know I am very pleased with it. It
was beautifully wrapped and arrived
in perfect condition. The painting itself
is gorgeous and I had it professionally
framed and hung above my fireplace. It
is a wonderful addition to my home.
Thank you for the excellent customer
service and fast delivery. Many
blessing to you in the New Year!
Felicia Phillips A Very
Happy Customer" (view more..)
Wu Shou Hong, 吴守宏,l965年出生于河北。现为北京中联国兴书画院专职画家、副秘书长兼创作部部长。 幼年在父辈的指导下,打下了坚实的基础。近年来广泛借鉴古今名家的风韵,昼夜笔耕不缀,技艺日进,。他的仕女画用笔细腻,线条流畅,造型俊美,人物刻画的 ... (View More)
Wu Shou Hong Chinese Painting 3781001  
Xie Yun Nan, courtesy name, that is skilled in freehand bird-and-flower, figure and landscape paintings. He is part of China committee of the promotion of the minority art. His artworks were exhibited in various exhibitions that were held in China, Japan and Hong Kong, and part of them was embodied in several art books. One of his paintings was collec ... (View More)
Xie Yun Nan Chinese Painting 3779001  
Ying Yue, is good at landscape and figure painting. His paintings is distinctive for the special brush stroke, and is archaic and as such zeitgeisty. Was given a lot of awards, Ying Yue now is very popular. 影月,自幼喜爱国画,擅长山水、人物,笔法独特,古朴中不失时代感。作品多次参加省级、市级书画 ... (View More)
Ying Yue Chinese Painting 3778001 Ying Yue Chinese Painting 3778002
Zheng Xuan, 郑玄,祖籍江苏镇江,1974年出生。自幼学画,二十余年笔耕不辍,功底深厚,博采众长,形成自已独特的艺术风格。擅长人物、山水画。 所作人物画笔墨简练清逸,构思新颖,多以古典题材入画,善于入古出新。喜绘钟馗,他笔下的钟馗与其它画家所画 ... (View More)
Zheng Xuan Chinese Painting 3777001 Zheng Xuan Chinese Painting 3777002
Yi Xin, is good at portraying ancient figures, especially Zhong Kui. Zhong Kui in his paintings is different because of the special style which combines fineness and magnificence. 一新,自幼喜爱书法国画,吸收多位名家精华,逐渐形成独特的绘画风格。擅长古典人物,所绘钟馗,细腻大气,与众不同 ... (View More)
Yi Xin Chinese Painting 3776001 Yi Xin Chinese Painting 3776002
Liu Yan Long, was born in Qingdao of Shandong Province in 1976. He is a professional painter, and is versatile, being skilled in calligraphy and most subjects of Chinese painting. His artworks are traditional, including calligraphy which is a central feature of most and traditional figures in the center. 刘彦龙,生于1976年,山东省青 ... (View More)
Liu Yan Long Chinese Painting 3775001 Liu Yan Long Chinese Painting 3775002
Mo Xiao Rong, a native of Lingui of Guangxi Province, who is a professional painter. Good at meticulous figure painting. Focusing on using chiaroscuro and perspective to achieve a sense of three-dimension. 莫小荣,广西临桂人,职业画家,擅画工笔人物,其画注重明暗晕染和远近透视,人物富有立体感,笔法工 ... (View More)
Mo Xiao Rong Chinese Painting 3774001 Mo Xiao Rong Chinese Painting 3774002
Wu Xiang, alias Wu Xiang householder. Learning from many famous artists, that gives Wu a solid foundation. He is good at figure and bird-and-flower painting. 无香,字无香居士,自幼喜爱国画,师从多位国画大师,打下坚实绘画基础。擅长人物画、花鸟画,手法细腻。 (View More)
Wu Xiang Chinese Painting 3773001 Wu Xiang Chinese Painting 3773002
Cao Xiang Rui, 曹祥瑞,笔名卧龙岗乡人,1945年出生。现为中华当代书画研究会名誉主席,中国书画家协会会员,中国当代百名杰出国画家,国家二级美术师,河南省美协会员,少林书画院理事、研究员,中原书画院研究员、高级画师。 多年来,他坚持对中国画、西画 ... (View More)
Cao Xiang Rui Chinese Painting 3771001  
Liu Zhi Jun, was born in 1957. Learnt figure painting from famous artist Professor Yang Deshu in the 1970s, Liu went to Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts for further study in 1985. After graduation, he spent many years studying classical gongbi figure paintings as well as classical murals, and created a mural-style to modern gongbi figure painting. This ne ... (View More)
Liu Zhi Jun Chinese Painting 3772001  
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