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"Greetings! I received my painting
a few weeks ago and just want to let
you know I am very pleased with it. It
was beautifully wrapped and arrived
in perfect condition. The painting itself
is gorgeous and I had it professionally
framed and hung above my fireplace. It
is a wonderful addition to my home.
Thank you for the excellent customer
service and fast delivery. Many
blessing to you in the New Year!
Felicia Phillips A Very
Happy Customer" (view more..)
Yang Mu Bai, alias Qin XIn Zai Zhu, born in Hangzhou city of Zhejiang province in1963. He’s a professional painter, graduated from Fine Arts Department of Guangxi Normal University in1987. Now he’s the member of Asia Youth Artists Exchange Centre. He’s skilled in flower&bird painting, figure painting and landscape painting. His works are succ ... (View More)
Yang Mu Bai Chinese Painting 3540001 Yang Mu Bai Chinese Painting 3540002
Li Cang Hai, born in Nanning, Guangxi in 1962. He graduated from Fine Arts Department of Central China Normal University in 1990. In 1998, he finish the postgraduate course and graduated from traditional Chinese painting Department, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. Now he’s the member of Guangxi Artists Association and the committee member of Guilin ... (View More)
Li Cang Hai Chinese Painting 3542001 Li Cang Hai Chinese Painting 3542002
Zhang Ce, born in 1966, a famous figure and flower&bird painter. He early graduated from Guangxi Arts Institute, major in Gongbi figure and flower&bird painting. Figures he created with succinct and smooth line, bright color, lifelike manner. Flower& bird under his brush were both vivid. Recently Mr. Zhang has created a series of brush painting ... (View More)
Zhang Ce Chinese Painting 3504006 Zhang Ce Chinese Painting 3504016
Yang Bao Long, was born in Baoji of Shaanxi province, 1982. Learnt Chinese painting in Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, and graduated from it in 2007. After graduation, he proceeded study of Chinese painting in Hangzhou, learning from famous artist Wu Shanming in 2010. At the same year, he joined in the project of creating mural in Datong Fahua Temple of Sha ... (View More)
Yang Bao Long Chinese Painting 2011024 Yang Bao Long Chinese Painting 2011022
Cao Yu Dong, 曹玉东,1959年出生,河南省周口市人. 现为河南省美术家协会会员,中外书画家协会会员,中原文化艺术研究院画师,江都书画院特聘书画师。 作品曾入选中国美协主办的《纪念孔子延辰2550年》书画大展,中国美协主办的庆祝中华人民共和成立50周年大型 ... (View More)
Cao Yu Dong Chinese Painting cyd11123022 Cao Yu Dong Chinese Painting cyd11123024
Yu Shan, 鱼山,生于1975年,广西桂林人。自幼酷爱绘画,多年来孜孜以求,潜心研习中国画。以人物为主,花鸟,动物为辅,笔墨,色调清新古朴至绚丽多彩,题材表现广泛,运用风格多样并恰到好处,其作品高古脱俗,令人赏心悦目。 Yu Shan, was born in Guilin, Guangx ... (View More)
Yu Shan Chinese Painting ys31124001 Yu Shan Chinese Painting ys31124002
Lin Xiang, 林骧,现居广州,实力派画家。省美术家协会会员,中华书画协 会理亊,九牧墨轩画院名誉院长。 从亊国画创作三十多年,擅长古典人物画,兼攻山水与花鸟。作品师法自然,融合古今,造型准确,笔墨酣畅,形成自己独特的风格。作品多次入选国内外 ... (View More)
Lin Xiang Chinese Painting lx31125001 Lin Xiang Chinese Painting lx31125002
Zang Hai, 藏海,职业画家。毕业于广东省美术学院,青年美协会员。自幼学习绘画,喜欢临摹各派大师的作品,取其精华,不断提升自己。 Zang Hai, a professional painter. He graduated from Guangdong Academy of Fine Arts. Currently he is a member of the Young Beauty Association. He studied painting fro ... (View More)
Zang Hai Chinese Painting zh31128001  
Chen Yong Qiang, 陈永强,男,1974年生,广西桂林人,毕业于广西师大美术系,后到上海美院进修。广西书画家协会会员。职业画家。 天资聪颖,为人恭谦,自幼爱好绘画,具有很高的艺术天赋。多年潜心临摹传统名画和技法,又得数位名师点拨。擅长花鸟、人物。其作 ... (View More)
Chen Yong Qiang Chinese Painting cyq31129004 Chen Yong Qiang Chinese Painting cyq31129003
Fu Qi Liang, 傅其良,1970年出生,祖籍福建仙游县.现为中国艺术家协会会员,中国神州画院特聘画师。 自小喜欢画画,受李耕画派的影响,尤工古典人物画,对仙佛、高士的题材有独到的创意。他作画笔法超脱老练,形、神、韵三者兼备。笔力苍劲,造型洒脱,构图 ... (View More)
Fu Qi Liang Chinese Painting fql31130001  
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