Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists

Zhi Guo An Chinese Birds & Flowers Painting Artists

Zhi Guo An's Biography & Awards:

Zhi Guo An, 植国安,男,1962年生,广西桂林人。从事绘画近20年,喜画山水和三友图,山水作品画面厚重华滋;三友图用笔奔放、果敢,充分表现出君子清风及傲骨;工笔作品清晰靓丽、工整细腻。

Zhi Guo An, male, born in 1962, is a native of Guilin, Guangxi. He has been engaged in painting for nearly 20 years, and he especially likes to paint landscapes paintings and the paintings with the theme of Pine,Bamboo, Plum.The landscape works are thick and black ink; the pine, bamboo and plum paintings are bold and bold in their brushwork, fully expressing the gentleman's pride and integrity; the calligraphic works are clear, beautiful, neat and exquisite.

Zhi Guo An's Pictures:

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Zhi Guo An Zhi Guo An

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