Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists
Wang Wen Hua Chinese Figures Painting Artists
Wang Wen Hua's Biography & Awards:
Wang Wen Hua, a native of Linyi of Shandong Province that was born in 1956 . Studied Chinese painting in China Academy of Art, Wang is good at classical figures painting with freehand style. Now he is one of Visiting Professors of Shandong University of Arts, and part of Shandong Artists Association, and a painter of Shandong Academy.王文华,1956年生人,祖籍山东临沂。1978年毕业于浙江美术学院,擅长写意人物。所作人物画笔简练清逸,构思新颖,多以古典题材入画,善于入古出新,墨色俊巧,意境生动,格调高雅。现为山东艺术学院客坐教授,山东画院画师,山东美协会员。
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