Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists

Sun Yi Qun Chinese Plum Blossom Painting Artists

Sun Yi Qun's Biography & Awards:

Sun Yi Qun, 孙艺群,男,1956年生于山东济南。现为山东画院画师、山东美术协会会员。



Sun Yi Qun, male, was born in Jinan, Shandong in 1956. He is currently a painter of Shandong Academy of Painting and a member of Shandong Art Association.

Concentrated on studing and researching the traditional Chinese painting, He loved the art of Mr. Li Kuchan who is a contemporary Chinese painting master especially. He is good at freehand flower and bird painting. His artwork use traditional skill.

He had a chance taught by famous master Wang Bing Long. His art skill was more mature. The flowers and birds he painted are conceived with novel ideas, vivid, and elegant. His works have been exhibited in many major cities throughout the country, and have been well received by colleagues in the art world.

Sun Yi Qun's Pictures:

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Sun Yi Qun Sun Yi Qun

Sun Yi Qun Sun Yi Qun

Sun Yi Qun Sun Yi Qun

Sun Yi Qun Sun Yi Qun

Sun Yi Qun Sun Yi Qun

Sun Yi Qun Sun Yi Qun

Sun Yi Qun Sun Yi Qun

Sun Yi Qun Sun Yi Qun

Sun Yi Qun Sun Yi Qun

Sun Yi Qun Sun Yi Qun

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