Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists
Qin Ming Fang Chinese Landscapes Painting Artists
Qin Ming Fang's Biography & Awards:
Qin Ming Fang, 秦明芳,女,桂林阳朔人。跟随当地实力派青年画家、云辉堂堂主李小跃学习传统山水。画家好学加之勤奋,凭着对绘画艺术的执著,与生俱来的绘画热情,超出平常人的艺术天赋,如今可说已小有所成。观其作品,可知笔墨功底扎实。线条,墨块变化丰富、用色沉厚,画面工整、细腻、滋润。物景层次分明,雅俗共赏。
Qin Ming Fang, female, from Yangshuo, Guilin city. Learned traditional landscapes from Li Xiaoyue who is a young painter and master of Yunhui Gallery. The artist is hard-working. With her dedication to the art of painting and passion for painting. She has got some achievement in painting.
Her works are fresh, elegant and delicate. She has solid foundation on using ink and brush, the composition of her paintings is perfect and layered.
Qin Ming Fang's Pictures:
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