Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists
Ma Rong Lai Chinese Animal Painting Artists
Ma Rong Lai's Biography & Awards:
Ma Rong Lai, born in 1945, is originally from Xinmin county of Liaoning province. Enrolled in Luxun Academy of Fine arts for advanced studies in 1984, being taught by professors Shun Zhi Pu and Gong Xing Fu, he majored in Meticulous bird&flower painting. Now he is the member of Liaoning Artists Association, the director of Zhongshan Jinshi institution of calligraphy and painting of Shenyang, the vice president of Zhongshan Chinese painting Association of Shenyang. Ma has won awards for his work and his paintings have been exhibited in national and provincial exhibitions time after time. In the recent years, lots of his works have been collected by people from Japan, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and so forth. He ever took part in reproducing the modern version of Along the River During the Qingming Festival.马荣来,1945年出生,祖籍辽宁新民县。辽宁美术家协会会员,沈阳中山金石书画研究会理事、沈阳中山国画协会副主席。1984年入鲁迅美术学院进修,师承孙智谱、宫兴福教授,攻工笔花鸟画。作品多次参加全国、省、市各级展览并获一、二、三等奖或优秀奖。近年来作品被日本、韩国、新加坡、香港等国家和地区的外国友人收藏。曾参与过“现代版清明上河图”绘制。
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