Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists

Liao Xiu Wei Chinese Birds & Flowers Painting Artists

Liao Xiu Wei's Biography & Awards:

Liao Xiu Wei, 廖修伟,广西柳州人,毕业于广西艺术学院。自幼跟叔父学习传统山水画,花鸟画。


Liao Xiuwei, a native of Liuzhou, Guangxi, graduated from Guangxi Academy of Arts. Since childhood, he studied traditional landscape painting and flower and bird painting with his uncle.

His works have participated in many national painting and calligraphy exhibitions and contests, and he has won many awards. His works have been collected by many organizations, enterprises and individuals.

Liao Xiu Wei's Pictures:

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Liao Xiu Wei Liao Xiu Wei

Liao Xiu Wei Liao Xiu Wei

Liao Xiu Wei Liao Xiu Wei

Total 6 Items

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