Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists
Gu Xue Fang Chinese Birds & Flowers Painting Artists
Gu Xue Fang's Biography & Awards:
Gu Xue Fang, came from Shandong Jinan. She graduated from Shandong Art Academy, after that she invited the famous painter Qin Xia as her master to learn the skills of meticulous paintings. Her paintings are fresh, bright and vivid, favored by the majority of painting and calligraphy lovers love.顾雪芳,山东济南人,毕业于山东工艺美院,后师从山东著名工笔画家秦霞学习工笔技法。其作品清新亮丽,入古传神,深受广大书画爱好者喜爱。
Gu Xue Fang's Pictures:
Gu Xue Fang's Chinese Paintings in Stock: Click your favorite small photo to see prices, sizes, etc of that artwork
Customize Gu Xue Fang's Chinese Painting:
You can ask the Artist/Painters Gu Xue Fang to specially paint one for you according to your sepcial needs, such as sizes, prices and compositions based on above, or you can send the sample pictures to us as reference.Any questions? Inquiry Now & Decide Later! Filling in the form to contact our Customer Service, let's help you make the most of your time and money!
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