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"Greetings! I received my painting
a few weeks ago and just want to let
you know I am very pleased with it. It
was beautifully wrapped and arrived
in perfect condition. The painting itself
is gorgeous and I had it professionally
framed and hung above my fireplace. It
is a wonderful addition to my home.
Thank you for the excellent customer
service and fast delivery. Many
blessing to you in the New Year!
Felicia Phillips A Very
Happy Customer" (view more..)
Yan Bin, born in 1978 on Guilin city in Guangxi Province, is a very young but great potential artist. She excel at birds & flowers Xie Yi painting, also like painting other subjects such as bamboo. The flowers, grass and trees in her brush are charming, graceful but not lose their inner spririts; birds and insects in her brush are full of vitality ... (View More)
Yan Bin Chinese Painting 2311048  
Wei Jian Hua, 韦建华,1980生,广西南宁人。 当代实力派画家,擅画花鸟,牡丹,竹。现为广西美协会员。广西花鸟画协会会员,广西政协书画院书画家,中国书画研究会理事,中国书画函授大学教授。 多幅作品收藏陈列于中南海和人民大会堂等地,公认其为花鸟界的中 ... (View More)
Wei Jian Hua Chinese Painting wjh21070001 Wei Jian Hua Chinese Painting wjh21070003
Leng Yu Mei, 冷玉梅,女,河南人。河南省美术家协会花鸟画艺术委员会、洛阳美术家协会会员,洛阳平乐牡丹书画院理事,画师。 自幼酷爱书画艺术,山水、花鸟、人物俱佳,精于国画牡丹。笔下牡丹画作均构思新颖,章法严谨,神韵兼备,深得嘉评。作品多次参加全 ... (View More)
Leng Yu Mei Chinese Painting lym21071002 Leng Yu Mei Chinese Painting lym21071003
Li Yan Jun, 李颜俊,1969年生于湖南。1990年毕业于中国书画函授大学中国画专业。广西美术家协会会员。 20多年来,潜心于书画创作,攻山水,尤擅花鸟。作品注重笔墨,追求灵秀、自然。 多次参加国际、国内各省、市级书画大展赛并获得不同奖项,在多种报刊杂志上发表 ... (View More)
Li Yan Jun Chinese Painting lyj21072004 Li Yan Jun Chinese Painting lyj21072005
Jiang Guo Kang, 蒋国康,男,1975生,广西桂林人,喜好画牡丹,其笔下牡丹彩墨淋漓,厚重大方,雍容华贵。 Jiang Guo Kang, was born in Guilin of Guang Xi Province in 1975. He is fond of drawing peony. The color of the peony he painted is dripping and the flowers are generous and graceful. (View More)
Jiang Guo Kang Chinese Painting jgk21074001 Jiang Guo Kang Chinese Painting jgk21074002
Fang Xin Quan, 房新泉,1953年生,山东沂源县人。中国花鸟画家。 1977年毕业于青岛科技大学艺术学院,1991年入中国艺术研究院硕士研究生班深造。现为中国美术家协会会员、山东画院高级画师、临沂画院院长、北京中国水墨画研究院院长、国家一级美术师。 房新泉在中国 ... (View More)
Fang Xin Quan Chinese Painting fxq21075001 Fang Xin Quan Chinese Painting fxq21075002
Chen Shi Ya, 陈诗雅,职业画家。擅长花鸟牡丹,其作品淡雅而传神,笔墨精道大气。 Chen Shi Ya, a professional painter, is good at birds, Flower and Penoy. Her works are elegant and expressive. (View More)
Chen Shi Ya Chinese Painting csy21097001 Chen Shi Ya Chinese Painting csy21097002
Guang Jun, 广俊,出生于1943年,山西太原人,毕业于西安美院。 现为山西美协会员,太原市书画研究会专业画家,太原师范艺术系副教授。 擅长画人物,其写意人物作品,笔墨简练清逸,手法精妙、人物刻画深动、传神、情趣盎然.深受大家喜爱,也获得画界朋友的好评 ... (View More)
Guang Jun Chinese Painting gj11098001 Guang Jun Chinese Painting gj11098002
Wang Zhi, 王志,广西桂林人,现为职业画家,喜画牡丹和山水。其牡丹作品雍荣华贵、楚楚动人,很受大众欢迎。 Wang Zhi, a native of Guilin, Guangxi. He is a professional painter. He is fond of painting peony and landscape. His peony is lifelike, gorgeous, suiting both refined and popular taste. (View More)
Wang Zhi Chinese Painting 2331001 Wang Zhi Chinese Painting 2331003
Cheng Xi, 成喜,职业画家。所绘牡丹雍容华贵,艳而不俗,气韵生动。 Cheng Xi, a professional painter. The peony he painted is gorgeous, colorful and lively. (View More)
Cheng Xi Chinese Painting cx21104001 Cheng Xi Chinese Painting cx21104003
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