Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists

Zou Mao Yong Chinese Landscapes Painting Artists

Zou Mao Yong's Biography & Awards:

Zou Mao Yong, was born in 1966 in Zhangzhou, Fujian province. Alias Yi-fu.

He loves the art of calligraphy since his childhood. After he graduated from the college, he had further education on calligraphy in the art department of Xiamen Jimei University in 1998. Later he learned from the famous calligrapher Mr. Ma Chi in Fujian and got great progress on the calligraphy skills. His artworks won many prizes in the calligraphy competitions of Fujian or Xiamen.

Now he is a member of China Chinese Painting Artists Association, Fujian Calligraphers Association and Xiamen Calligraphers Association. He also is a special calligrapher in Xiamen Art Works Company and a visiting instructor in Xiamen Hhuayuan Art Institute.




Zou Mao Yong's Pictures:

Zou Mao YongZou Mao Yong
Zou Mao YongZou Mao Yong

Zou Mao Yong's Chinese Paintings in Stock: Click your favorite small photo to see prices, sizes, etc of that artwork

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Zou Mao Yong Zou Mao Yong

Zou Mao Yong Zou Mao Yong

Zou Mao Yong Zou Mao Yong

Zou Mao Yong Zou Mao Yong

Zou Mao Yong Zou Mao Yong

Zou Mao Yong Zou Mao Yong

Zou Mao Yong Zou Mao Yong

Zou Mao Yong Zou Mao Yong

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