Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists
Zeng Gang Chinese Landscapes Painting Artists
Zeng Gang's Biography & Awards:
Zeng Gang, was born in 1977 in Guangzhou, Guangdong province. Now he is a professional painter and the master of Xiongfeng Painting Studio. He likes painting the Great Wall, the Three Gorges, Tai Mountain, Huang Mountain and the Huanghe Hukou etc. He is especially good at bpainting the Great Wall. The Great Wall in his paintings were thousands of miles vertically and horizontally, and had high and steep mountain stones, old and strong pine trees and gorgeous clouds under the rising sun, all these made the whole painting have magnificent momentum.男,1977年生于广东省广州市,职业画家,雄风画斋斋主。喜画长城、三峡、泰山、黄山和黄河壶口等,尤善画长城,笔下长城婉延纵横万里,山石峻峭,古松苍劲,朝阳下云彩耀动,整个画面大气雄伟之势立现。
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