Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists

X Long Chinese Birds & Flowers Painting Artists

X Long's Biography & Awards:

X Long, born in 1953, is now a member of Shandong Artists Association, working on researching and exploring Chinese paintings. Had guidance from many famous artists.

His works show elegance through the delidate beauty. The color of the painting is clean and simple and you can find the painting just a free style without any imitating, the brushwork looks like it free, but also shows polished style, and the composition of the painting is very unique. He likes to free-sketch flowers and plants, especially plum and grape. The flowers on the painting are vivid, branches extend in a meticulous style, show more artistic concept than realistic portrayal.

His painting won the first prize on the National Youth Calligraphy and Painting Competition. The painting < Fruitful> was collected by Beijing International Art Museum.




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