Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists

Shu Wen Chinese Birds & Flowers Painting Artists

Shu Wen's Biography & Awards:

Shu Wen, original named Li Shu Wen, member of The Chinese Painter-Calligrapher Association, member of Anhui Artists Association.

1. Gold Award in 60 Anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War Exhibition.
2. Gold Award in 12th “Mother’s Songs” Calligraphy Art Competition at home and abroad.
3. Second prize in Anhui Painting and Calligraphy Competition.
4. Honorable mention in the 3rd National Legal Publicity Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition



Shu Wen's Pictures:

Shu Wen's Chinese Paintings in Stock: Click your favorite small photo to see prices, sizes, etc of that artwork

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