Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists
Qiu Geng Chinese Figures Painting Artists
Qiu Geng's Biography & Awards:
Qiu Geng, born in Zhejiang province in 1941. Studied traditional Chinese painting from a child, he ever learnt from famous artist Mr. Ren Jiangying and benefited a lot. Qiu focuses on portraying expression of characters in style of combining meticulous with free hand based on the tradition but is not to be fettered by it. Being awarded a lot in large exhibition of Fine Arts and published art works for making big progress in his skills for the past few years. A number of his paintings were collected by art lovers from Korea, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong and so forth.秋耕,1941年出生于浙江,自幼酷爱丹青,曾受任家英老先生指点,受益甚深。秋耕先生在人物画的创作上致力于人物神态的刻画,接受传统面而不拘泥于前人,逐渐形成了兼工带写的人物画风格。近年来绘画艺术大进,各大报刊屡有发表,多次入选、参加大型美展获奖。其作品被韩国、新加坡、香港、日本等地的书画爱好者收藏。
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