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"Greetings! I received my painting
a few weeks ago and just want to let
you know I am very pleased with it. It
was beautifully wrapped and arrived
in perfect condition. The painting itself
is gorgeous and I had it professionally
framed and hung above my fireplace. It
is a wonderful addition to my home.
Thank you for the excellent customer
service and fast delivery. Many
blessing to you in the New Year!
Felicia Phillips A Very
Happy Customer" (view more..)
Yang Cheng Wu, graduated from Guilin Academy of Fine Arts. He’s a first-grade artist and the director of art committee of GUilin Art Academy. He had held personal exhibition in Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macao and other districts, also published personal collection called “Yang Cheng Wu Painting Collection”. 杨成武,1980年毕业于 ... (View More)
Li Li, professional painter, major in flower&bird painting. Inherited the lore run in the family since childhood and ardently loved painting. She’s gifted and possess highly attainments of painting. Her painting is elegant, plain, enchanting, subtle and meaningful. It possess intense inspirational force and profound connotation, and contains i ... (View More)
Qin Ri Long, native of Guilin, a professional painter. He’s keen on painting and persist in practice all the year round. Therefore he lay a good foundation. He mostly imitate the works of famous ancient and modern painter-calligrapher, and master the essential point of the traditional techniques that is pursue attainments, likeness in spirit and inn ... (View More)
Qin Ri Long Chinese Painting 2339001 Qin Ri Long Chinese Painting 2339002
Sheng Shi, born in Nanning city of Guangxi province. Now he is the member of Nanning Youth Artists Association and International Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Association. He was fond of painting and calligraphy at early age. Once he was the apprenticed of Contemporary famous painter. Through constant practice and exploration, he gradually form ... (View More)
Sheng Shi Chinese Painting 2340088 Sheng Shi Chinese Painting 2340089
Mei Shi, 梅石,1963年生于北京。毕业于北京艺术设计学院。现为中国工艺美术家协会会员,中华诗词学会会员,中国东方艺术研究会会员,中国国际书画艺术研究会会员。 梅石自幼师从诗词书法大家萧劳先生学习古文诗词及书法。三十多年笔耕不辍,诗词作品被 ... (View More)
Mei Shi Chinese Painting ms21139076 Mei Shi Chinese Painting ms21139077
Tie Lin, 铁林,1974年出生,毕业于浙江艺术院。现为中华三峡画院会员。 铁林出生于书画世家,自幼跟从祖父和父亲习画。画家以特有的视角,并以简单的线条勾勒出了形形色色的花鸟,显示了扎实的基本功。尤其受到对中国文化感兴趣的外国朋友的喜爱。 Tie Lin, bor ... (View More)
Tie Lin Chinese Painting tl21140031 Tie Lin Chinese Painting tl21140024
Sun Yi Qun, 孙艺群,男,1956年生于山东济南。现为山东画院画师、山东美术协会会员。 潜心研究中国的传统绘画艺术,擅长写意花鸟画,尤崇当代国画大师李苦禅先生的绘画艺术。作品取法传统,以形传神。 后有幸拜山东省著名画家王炳龙先生为师,受益颇深。 ... (View More)
Sun Yi Qun Chinese Painting syq21141001 Sun Yi Qun Chinese Painting syq21141002
Zhao Yi Ming, 赵一铭,男,号铭阳居士,山东济南人士。现为山东大成书画院画师,济南美术家协会会员。 自幼喜爱国画艺术,后多方拜师学艺,20年沉醉于花鸟国画艺术中,尤善梅花。 Zhao Yi Ming, also called Mingyang Jun Shi, male, from Jinan, Shandong province. He is currently an artis ... (View More)
Zhao Yi Ming Chinese Painting zym21142001 Zhao Yi Ming Chinese Painting zym21142002
Wang Xiao Gui, 王小贵,山东济南人,职业画家。现为中国书画协会会员,山东省书画协会会员,山东博文书画研究会会员。 自幼爱好国画,多方拜师学艺,历经三十载,画艺逐步走向成熟。其作品多次参加省市美术比赛,获奖并受到广泛好评。 Wang Xiao Gui, from Jinan, Sh ... (View More)
Wang Xiao Gui Chinese Painting wxg21143014 Wang Xiao Gui Chinese Painting wxg21143001
Hao Feng Ge, 郝凤格,河北衡水景县人。 1991年毕业于中国书画函授大学国画系,为著名花鸟画家马志丰老师入室弟子。北京卿云诗书画社社员,北京华夏文人艺术研究会高级院士。 多幅作品发表于《中国书画报》、《人民教育》、《河北日报》、《出山书画》、《 ... (View More)
Hao Feng Ge Chinese Painting hfg21144001 Hao Feng Ge Chinese Painting hfg21144004
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