Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists
Luo Hong Xing Chinese Calligraphy Painting Artists
Luo Hong Xing's Biography & Awards:
Luo Hong Xing, 罗洪兴,男,1968年生于云南省金平县。龙苑书画协会副会长,开远市书画协会会员、云南省书画家协会会员。受父亲影响,自幼喜好书画,13岁时与书画结缘,虽地处偏僻,工作繁忙,但始终坚持不懈。苦临王羲之、赵孟頫、苏东坡等古代名家字贴。对现代韩绍玉、杨再春、沈鸿根等当代名家书体也有一定研究。先生酷爱齐白石老人的的作品,尤其对齐白石老先生的虾更是痴迷,博采众长,现自成一体。
Luo Hong Xing, male, was born in 1968, in Jinping County, Yunnan Province. Deputy chairman of Longyuan Calligraphy and Painting Association, a member of Kaiyuan Calligraphy and Painting Association & Yunnan Painting and Calligraphy Association.
Influenced by his father, he love painting and calligraphy since childhood. He became attached to painting and calligraphy when he was 13 years old. Although he was busy with work and located in a remote place, he always persistently. He copied the model calligraphy of celebrated calligrapher like Wang Xi Zhi, Zhao Meng Fu, Su Dong Po etc very hard. He also do some research on the model calligraphy created by contemporary famous calligrapher such as Han Shao Yu, Yang Zai Chun, Shen Hong Gen etc. Mr. Luo Hong Xing ardently love the works of Qi Bai Shi, especially the shrimp. He learn widely from others' strong points, and develop his own style.
He participated in various painting and calligraphy exhibitions and competitions in city, province and the whole country, and won awards. His works have been published in the special album of "Dragon Painting and Calligraphy" many times, which organized by the Dragon Painting and Calligraphy Association, also collected by calligraphy and painting lovers nationwide.
Luo Hong Xing's Pictures:
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