Chinese Painting > Chinese Artists

Li Zhi Zhong Chinese Landscapes Painting Artists

Li Zhi Zhong's Biography & Awards:

Li Zhi Zhong, alias “Guan-Pu-Yi-Zi”, was born in 1974 in Guilin. He loves painting very much since he was young. He graduated from Guangxi Art Institute in 1995. Now he is the proprieter of the Cang-Liu-Ge Calligraphy and Painting Association in Guilin, and the vice president of the Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Research Association. He also is a member of the China Youth Calligraphy and Painting Research Association and Guilin Ya-Yuan Calligraphy and Painting Institute.

He paid much attention to combining the Chinese traditional skills and the Western skills then creating a new style which is filled with life and times flavor atmosphere and fine details.

His artworks often took part in many national and international Atistic competitions.
In 2002, he won “China-Korea Beilin Chinese painting Cup” in September.
In 2004, he won Calligraphy and Painting Excellent Works in the exhibition held by Hongkong Artistic Association.

Many of his excellent works were published by many magazines,newspapers and Calligraphy and Painting album. His paintings fascinated many collectors from Japan, Korea, America,and Singapore, etc. He had published his own painting album. His most famous artwotks are: "The sunrise from the east","Green Landscape", and "There's someone live in the hills" etc.





Li Zhi Zhong's Pictures:

Li Zhi ZhongLi Zhi Zhong
Li Zhi ZhongLi Zhi Zhong
Li Zhi Zhong 

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Li Zhi Zhong Li Zhi Zhong

Li Zhi Zhong Li Zhi Zhong

Li Zhi Zhong Li Zhi Zhong

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