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"Greetings! I received my painting
a few weeks ago and just want to let
you know I am very pleased with it. It
was beautifully wrapped and arrived
in perfect condition. The painting itself
is gorgeous and I had it professionally
framed and hung above my fireplace. It
is a wonderful addition to my home.
Thank you for the excellent customer
service and fast delivery. Many
blessing to you in the New Year!
Felicia Phillips A Very
Happy Customer" (view more..)
Shi Fo, who studied Chinese painting since childhood. Enlightened by several masters, he works hard in practicing and benefited a lot. Shi’s delicate landscape paintings reflect his sensibility to nature. Audience is moved by what they see and won’t get tired of that. 石佛,他自幼习画,经多位名师的指点,其画细腻 ... (View More)
Shi Fo Chinese Painting 1205001 Shi Fo Chinese Painting 1205002
Yang Lin, was born in Guilin of Guangxi Province in 1968. He has a passion in Chinese painting when he was young. After being graduated from Guangxi Arts Institute, Yang learnt from famous artist Fu Xiaoshi to continue his further study for years. Being skilled in landscape and figure painting, Yang combines his innovation with Fu Xiaoshi’s style ... (View More)
Yang Lin Chinese Painting 1206001 Yang Lin Chinese Painting 1206003
Tang Yi Hui, 唐一晖,男,出生于1985年,广西全州人。2010年毕业于广西师范大学美术学院,并获得文学学士学位。石墨斋创办人之一,现为中国石墨斋山水研究院副院长。 唐一晖自幼热爱美术,钟情于书画。中学时代常痴迷于国画山水与人物临习,大学时期跟随名师 ... (View More)
Tang Yi Hui Chinese Painting tyh11209002 Tang Yi Hui Chinese Painting tyh11209001
Liu Zhong Wei, 刘宗伟,职业画家。1975年生于广西桂林,毕业于桂林市师范高等教育学院。在校期间,受教于中国百杰著名画家陶政德教授。其作品自然朴实,厚重,气韵生动,个性鲜明。 Liu Zhongwei is a professional Painter. He is born in 1975 at Guilin City Guangxi Province,graduated from The ... (View More)
Liu Zhong Wei Chinese Painting lzw11223001 Liu Zhong Wei Chinese Painting lzw11223004
Yun Fang, 云方,山东人,进修于广州美院国画班。笔耕几十年,专心攻研山水画。 Yun Fang, From Shandong Province,He studied from Chinese Painting Class in The Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.He has not stopped painting in decades,and concentrated on the studying and researching to Mountains-and-waters Painting. (View More)
Yun Fang Chinese Painting yf11224007 Yun Fang Chinese Painting yf11224006
Qin Zhi Ming, 秦志明,笔名云天,号清风阁,生于广西临桂,祖籍浙江杭州,结业于广西师范大学美术系。早年有幸得到王明明、张晓飞等名家指点,下笔热情奔放,画面意境隽永、空灵、设色淡雅、以唐诗宋词入画,如王维诗“江流天外地,山色有无中”为创作宗旨,传 ... (View More)
Qin Zhi Ming Chinese Painting qzm11225001 Qin Zhi Ming Chinese Painting qzm11225004
Shan Wei, 善为,出生于山东枣庄,是一位极具市场潜力的年轻书画家,作品多次获奖。近些年,善为致力于国画山水的写生和创作中,他的作品洒脱自如,清雅脱俗,我们能够感受到他对于国画精神的执着追求。 Shanwei,Born at Zao Zhuang City Shandong Province, he is a young painter ... (View More)
Shan Wei Chinese Painting sw11226001 Shan Wei Chinese Painting sw11226002
Wu Zhen Zhong, part of Chinese Artists Assosiaction and Chinese Business Culture and Arts Research Association; one of professors and painters of Lushan Centre for Arts and Cultural Exchange; honorary steward of Litterateur and Artists Association of China; steward of Hunan Association of Workers as Artists, vice president of Changning Artists Associati ... (View More)
Huang Yun Hong, was born in Yangshuo county of Guilin in 1974. Learnt Fine Arts in Guangxi Normally University, he is part of Guilin Artists Association now, being skilled in bird-and-flower as well as landscape. Part of his works was exhibited in USA, Japan, Germany, France, Italy and so forth. Also, his biography was embodied in the books such as "Dict ... (View More)
Huang Yun Hong Chinese Painting 1579023 Huang Yun Hong Chinese Painting 1579020
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