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"Greetings! I received my painting
a few weeks ago and just want to let
you know I am very pleased with it. It
was beautifully wrapped and arrived
in perfect condition. The painting itself
is gorgeous and I had it professionally
framed and hung above my fireplace. It
is a wonderful addition to my home.
Thank you for the excellent customer
service and fast delivery. Many
blessing to you in the New Year!
Felicia Phillips A Very
Happy Customer" (view more..)
Liu Ling, 刘玲,女,职业画家。专攻中国传统工笔花鸟画,手法细致工整,色彩富丽典雅。 Liu Ling, female, professional painter. Specializing in traditional Chinese brushwork paintings of flowers and birds. The technique of the work is meticulous and neat, and the color is rich and elegant. (View More)
Liu Ling Chinese Painting 2521002 Liu Ling Chinese Painting 2521003
Mo Dou, 墨斗,实名陈付旺,男,广西桂林会仙人,职业画家。 自幼酷爱绘画艺术,常年刻苦习练,多仿古今书画家之作,掌握传统技法。为使书画技艺得到提高,曾入美术学校深造学习花鸟.现已形成自家风格。 Mo Dou, real name is Chen Fuwang, from Huixian, Guilin, Guangx ... (View More)
Mo Dou Chinese Painting 2522004 Mo Dou Chinese Painting 2522002
Wang To, Wang To, alias Mi Dan Ren, was born in Zigong in 1977. He studied Chinese painting in Zigong Fine Arts Collgue, learning from Wan Zhong, Cao Nian, Li Xiaoming and Zhan Liming. Good at meticulous bird&flower painting. Titles: professional art teacher, Special-invited painter of Zigong Teenage Academy of Arts, painter of Zigong Acade ... (View More)
Wang To Chinese Painting 2578005 Wang To Chinese Painting 2578006
Guo Ai Lin, 郭爱玲,山西省大同美协会员,师从著名画家赵玉华,现为中国新幻彩艺术研究院理事,中国国家艺术研究院特约画家,博鳌书院画家,中国艺术交流协会画家,赵玉华工作室教学主任。作品被国内外众多艺术机构、个人所收藏。2015年山西省展览馆举办画展 ... (View More)
Guo Ai Lin Chinese Painting gal21178004 Guo Ai Lin Chinese Painting gal21178001
Wei Rong Fu, 韦荣福 男,1975年生,广西柳州人。现为广西美协会员,职业画家,主攻花鸟画。他的画讲究线条张力,弹性及墨色变化。画面清新,布局空阔,雅致。 Wei Rong Fu, male professional painter, who was born in 1975, Liuzhou, Guangxi. He is now a member of Guangxi Fine Arts Association, spe ... (View More)
Wei Rong Fu Chinese Painting wrf21179006 Wei Rong Fu Chinese Painting wrf21179005
Wang Hai Zhou, 王海洲,男,笔名子墨。1984年出生在书香世家,受其家人影响,自幼酷爱丹青,擅长人物,动物,工笔花鸟,走兽等。画风简逸,独具一格,是青年实力派画家,为同行所称道。 多年的艺术的生涯,形成了自己的独特的绘画风格,而且独创了多种绘画技 ... (View More)
Wang Hai Zhou Chinese Painting whz21180001  
Wang Jian Hui, 王建辉,男,号誉虎堂主人,受家庭熏陶酷爱绘画,自幼就显露出对艺术的天赋与挚爱。曾受教于中国著名画家冯大中先生,擅画工笔走兽,主攻画虎,多年来勤学苦练,形成了自己独特的绘画风格。其笔下的虎常被人们称为犹如“猛虎下山,气壮山河”。 ... (View More)
Wang Jian Hui Chinese Painting wjh21181001  
Ai Zong Guang, 艾宗光,笔名“不语”,出生于1978年,河南开封人。现为中国书画家协会会员。擅长画竹,十岁画竹至今。作品远销香港、日本、韩国等地。 Ai Zong Guang, pseudonym "Not a Word", was born in 1978 in Kaifeng, Henan Province. He is now a member of the China Painters and Calligraphers Associ ... (View More)
Ai Zong Guang Chinese Painting azg21182005 Ai Zong Guang Chinese Painting azg21182004
Kong Qing Yi, 孔庆义,男,义宝斋主人,字墨人,号阳夏居士。1947年生,太康县人,祖籍山东曲阜,孙子第七十三世孙。现为山东省书画家协会理事,山东省老年书画家协会副主席。 他的作品多次参加全国大赛,并获得金奖。其人也被多家电视台知名栏目所报道,其作 ... (View More)
Kong Qing Yi Chinese Painting kqy21183008 Kong Qing Yi Chinese Painting kqy21183006
Xu Mo, 许墨,字宜亨,祖籍山东菏泽,职业画家。擅写意花鸟画,尤以梅、兰、竹、菊及虫、草、动物小品最为擅长。现为山东美术家协会会员,中国国画家协会会员,中原国画花鸟画研究会理事。 u Mo, with a character of Yi Heng, he is a professional painter, ancestral home of ... (View More)
Xu Mo Chinese Painting xm21184006 Xu Mo Chinese Painting xm21184007
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