Chinese Painting Search
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"Greetings! I received my painting
a few weeks ago and just want to let
you know I am very pleased with it. It
was beautifully wrapped and arrived
in perfect condition. The painting itself
is gorgeous and I had it professionally
framed and hung above my fireplace. It
is a wonderful addition to my home.
Thank you for the excellent customer
service and fast delivery. Many
blessing to you in the New Year!
Felicia Phillips A Very
Happy Customer" (view more..)
Song Xiao Ming, born in Nanning of Guangxi province in 1970. Under the influence of his family, he had a passion for painting since childhood. Learnt from famous artist of Guangxi Mr. Chen Zaiqian ever, he then gradually formed his own style. His works are well received for the novel composition as well as fresh style, that are collected by people from T ... (View More)
Song Xiao Ming Chinese Painting 4512001 Song Xiao Ming Chinese Painting 4512003
Wang Jing Ming, born in Leshan of Sichuan province in 1965. Engaged in calligraphy and painting over 30 years, he is skilled in Chinese paintings with the subjects birds&flowers and landscape, especially fond of depicting panda and bamboo. He had ever gone to the Wolong Nature Reserve and the Panda Base for sketching, getting back with lots of lively wor ... (View More)
Wang Jing Ming Chinese Painting 4513001 Wang Jing Ming Chinese Painting 4513003
Zheng Lu, alias “Shi Shang Qing Quan”. He was born in Rushan of Shandong province. His job is painting. He learned painting from Mr Jing Gu You Shi. He specialized in Xieyi birds&flowers painting. 郑璐,雅号“石上清泉”。山东乳山人。从事书画职业,师从于静谷幽石先生,专攻写意花鸟。 (View More)
Zheng Lu Chinese Painting 4517001 Zheng Lu Chinese Painting 4517002
Huang Shan Chuan, 黄山川,江苏人。毕业于北京艺术学院。擅长写意花鸟画,其花鸟画作品笔法简洁、风格清新雋永,疏淡悠远而有诗意,具有很高的艺术表现力和感染力,观其画,如读一首韵味无穷的小令,让人心旷神怡。 Huang Shan Chuan is a native of Jiangsu Province. Graduated fro ... (View More)
Huang Shan Chuan Chinese Painting 2357020 Huang Shan Chuan Chinese Painting 2357001
Wang Yao, was born in 1959 and graduated from the art education department of Guangxi Normal University. Now he is a member of Guangxi branch of China Artists Association. He is good at animals painting, especially liking painting beast of prey such as tigers and lions. His tiger paintings can be described as the combination with shape and spiri ... (View More)
Wang Yao Chinese Painting 4733003 Wang Yao Chinese Painting 4733005
Sheng Shi, born in Nanning city of Guangxi province. Now he is the member of Nanning Youth Artists Association and International Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Association. He was fond of painting and calligraphy at early age. Once he was the apprenticed of Contemporary famous painter. Through constant practice and exploration, he gradually form ... (View More)
Sheng Shi Chinese Painting 2340088 Sheng Shi Chinese Painting 2340089
Tong jian Guo, 佟建国,中国著名书画家。1962年出生于沈阳,祖籍辽宁抚顺市。现为东北意象书画家协会会员,辽宁名圣书画研究院理事,奉天书画院副院长。 1982年毕业于沈阳市工艺美术学校,1984年考入鲁迅美术学院国画系进修深研,擅画骏马图,兼攻山水花鸟。 作 ... (View More)
Tong jian Guo Chinese Painting tjg41177004 Tong jian Guo Chinese Painting tjg41177002
Feng Zhi Guang, 冯志光,浙江温州市人,自幼喜爰书画,早年师承姜舟先生攻习花鸟画。 2007年就读于中国美协花鸟画创作高级高研班,受益于张立辰 ,李魁正、霍春阳等先生指导。 2008年逬修于中国艺术研究院研究生班何水法花鸟画工作室。 2010年进修于清华大学美术学 ... (View More)
Feng Zhi Guang Chinese Painting fzg21189002 Feng Zhi Guang Chinese Painting fzg21189001
Zhang Qing Dong, 张清栋,1970年出生于山东省,早年曾 就读于西北艺术学院,中央美院,深得诸名家教诲。现为中国书画协会会员,社丹文化艺术研究会常务副会长,香港耀德胜文化 艺术中心顾问。主攻花鸟,人物,书法,能工善写,力主在继承传统的基础 上有所创新。其 ... (View More)
Zhang Qing Dong Chinese Painting zqd21190001 Zhang Qing Dong Chinese Painting zqd21190002
Zui Yu, 醉迂,省级美协会员、专业画家,中国书画艺术创作中心理事,美院国画专业毕业 从事国画创作二十载。擅长山水、人物、花鸟,多次获得国内外大奖。醉 迂老师学院派出生,对传统国画有很深刻的理解和继承,其成熟的国画技法和独特 的个人画风很好地 ... (View More)
Zui Yu Chinese Painting zy41191010 Zui Yu Chinese Painting zy41191008
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